How to filter a table with RoboCorp using the Filter Table By Column function

How to filter a table with RoboCorp using the Filter Table By Column function

The RPA.Tables library allows us to do all sorts of things with tables and knowing how to filter a table is quite helpful. In this short post, I will show you have to filter a table by a column using single and multiple values as filters.

Using one value as a filter

Imagine we have a table that consists of various columns and rows with data. For our imagined case it is a list of people and their professions. We only need to work with Developers and so we need to filter out everyone else. Our .csv file looks like this:

100,Tybie,Naor,police officer
108,Briney,Therine,police officer

In this example, we have simply stored it in the same folder as our bot and named it test_data.csv. To filter out all professions except for Developer, our RoboCorp code should look like this:

*** Settings ***
Documentation       How to filter columns

Library             RPA.Tables

*** Tasks ***
Filter Table Example
    ${table}    Read table from CSV    test_data.csv

    # Filters out all professions in the "profession" column except for Developer
    Filter Table By Column    
    ...    table=${table}    
    ...    column=profession    
    ...    operator=in    
    ...    value=developer
    Write table to CSV    ${table}    filtered.csv

In the file filtered.csv you can see the result

Using multiple values as a filter

What is also quite helpful is knowing how to filter a table using multiple values. Take for instance the case where you would like to filter your table for both Developers and Doctors. In this case, we need to create a list of values:

*** Settings ***
Documentation       How to filter columns

Library             RPA.Tables

*** Tasks ***
Filter Table Example
    ${table}    Read table from CSV    test_data.csv

    # Filters out all professions in the "profession" column except for Developer
    Filter Table By Column    
    ...    table=${table}    
    ...    column=profession    
    ...    operator=in    
    ...    value=['developer','doctor']
    Write table to CSV    ${table}    filtered.csv

The End

I spend some time myself figuring out how to filter a table with multiple values. Eventually, I had to ask in the RoboCorp Slack channel, where helpful people are always ready to give you a helping hand.

I hope this short post was helpful.